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A member registered Jun 27, 2020

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Thanks for the tips.

I had already brought the old people together and discovered the scroll of HOME which takes you to the same accursed place as the 3 white SIGIL patio magic. I also noticed this event moves the white cat up there, but following it just makes it spit out a hairball.

Also relevant to that cat, thanks to your tips I figured out how to create a LEWIS TREAT, but I assume Lewis is a totally different cat that I should have already found somewhere? I still can't do anything with the white cat in TOWN, it would seem.

Is the HUGE ROOT VEG just to help lure RABBITS to you so you can get their meat? I could catch them already by either chasing them into a corner, or utilizing the slow from TOOL CUBE. It seems like a redundant item.

I can't figure the RATS out either, I have tried going into both abandoned buildings in TOWN which house RATS. I have tried kicking them and offering them FLOOR CANDY but the former just kills them just the same as the GLAIVE and the latter doesn't work.

I've had the garbage bag at the end of the driveway for a while now, all it has given me is a trio of evil unkillable RACCOONS.

Are any of the boarded up doors in TOWN supposed to be un-boardable?

I'm at 4 OMENS currently and once again can't see anything to do to progress. I might be missing something obvious

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Yes I have been making CLOY COMBUSTIBLES myself - the way you worded that makes me believe there must be one or more to find in the game somewhere, but I haven't. Here's how you dry TOWERLUNG: gur onfrzrag bira ng UBZR.

Regarding "killing" the TOWN ghost, does it have something to do with the orbs on the pedestals that appear when you hold the GLAIVE?

Edit: I killed the GHOST at last, that bastard. Also found where you can purchase CLOY COMBUSTIBLES. Alas, GIRL has fallen ill...

I have been unable to make progress in HOME GAME 3 for a few days now. There are several things which I think might be the key to progressing but I just can't make use of them, these are: HUGE ROOT VEG, CENTIPEDE KEY, the people in TOWN who need a new home (I have cleared out the rat houses and the house with the monster but nothing happens with them), many doors with blue SIGIL keyholes next to them, carved black stone I dug up with the shovel, and there's the stew but for that I'm missing COOKING OIL, SAVORY STALKS, TASTY SEED PODS and FLOUR.

I have 5 RIPPLE FX: 0, 3, 5, 6 and 11.

I have 2 curses: planters and tennis balls.

I have discovered 2 endings: jumping bodily into the abyss in STAIRCASES and going down the ladder outside the strange home you access with 3 white SIGILS.

I have gone through every SIGIL combination and discovered RAIL TRAIL, Q-STORE and SHOULE POOL, none of which have any further use (I even found the creature in RAIL TRAIL but it disappears). None of the other SIGIL combinations are accessible as I have only 2 OMENS.

On the to-do list, I need to make the STEW and assemble the OUTFIT, for which I am missing the PONCHO only.

I suppose I'm asking for a hint, even a tiny one. The only possibilities I can see to moving forward are: something I can make by combining items in the BAG (which is a bit frustrating, I have already tried what I believe to be the most logical combinations of items), or something I missed in the TOWN (but I have been through the whole thing many times).

If it helps, my highest possible DIVINING and FORFEND are 49 and 177.

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Is there a way of getting rid of this guy?

Just want to check that this isn't a bug, since it doesn't seem intended that it follows you HOME.

Edit: I don't think my screenshot uploaded, but it was the purple thing that starts to chase you once your DIVINING is high enough. I got rid of it with a Cloy Combustible.

I'm really loving the game now. It took me some forcing myself to carry on to get into it, then things started to click. I'm still unsure of what the stat  below sanity is, perhaps I missed some text explaining it somewhere. 

This game oozes soul, you can feel the love and time that went into it.

My main gripe is, I would change the Death Tower section where you're chased by 3 or 4 pink seraphim; reduce it to just 1 or 2 of them or have a couple more hiding spots, or even rearrange the level there because it's easy to miss the path down and the frustration level increases with each send-back. Maybe this isn't such a problem and it only really affected me. I did enjoy discovering the purpose of this level - to farm Hermit Tails, access a Healer, and a Treat vendor. There is great satisfaction in figuring things out and going from blind and confused to beginning to flourish in this game, yet even as things are making sense there are so many more little details which remain mystifying - a good thing.

I'm still not particularly far in, I only just went through every sigil combination after spending a long time in the TOWN. I just crafted a poultice and discovered a ladder and vendor; I unequipped the poultice to confirm my suspicions that the DIVINING stat is revealing new things to me, which was a cool moment.

It could just be me being obtuse, but I assumed the symbols above the grown plants weren't interactable - were just there to show the plant is grown and represent the material you obtain from it, so I harvested all 3 at the start of the game immediately and missed out on getting sigils. I watched one of the trailers again and noticed you're supposed to actually pick the sigils up first. Just some more feedback.

Thank you for the response, I'm feeling more confident and clear now. Onwards I go.

I've just collected the tool cube in the place with all the angry spirits(?). 

I have lost all sanity 4 times so far.

I assume I should be trying to collect as much AGE as possible while also escaping, but this is one of the worst things I have ever experienced in a video game; there are so many places you can get stuck in because the tool cube blocks you, or you get blocked by enemies and rapidly drained of sanity, or the tool cube's brainless movement gets it stuck constantly - all of this results in repetitive, annoying gameplay. I was making progress and got the blue cross which seems to stop the angry purple thing from sending you back to the start, once. Then the cross starts dropping on the floor, for no visible reason. I found what looked like a candle, but walking into it gave me -1 age or sanity, I forget which. Is what I'm experiencing  the intended player experience here? Should I just keep going? Right now I have accrued 750 AGE from the colorful remains(?) all over the area, but it feels like a waste of time because I'm just going to get stuck somewhere or experience some bullshit and have to try it all over again.